Time is currency

Fanny Budiman
4 min readOct 30, 2020

It’s 3 am when I write this lol and well, here I am writing under the influence of caffeine (damn, too much coffee).

Jadi kenapa Fanny bisa nulis “time is currency”? LOL like I stole those quote from somewhere. But no, from March till now, gua termasuk “KAYA” akan waktu, so I had a lot of time to rewind back to my past time in preclinical years. Gua yakin teman-teman koas COVIDku merasakan hal yang sama. Consider this a gap year lah ya.

Intinya, I had a lot of time to think.

Dari waktu yang banyak buat mikir tadi, gua nyadar bahwa WOI TIME ITU CURRENCY BGT LOH. Gua sadar for the past 3,5 years I had done SOOOO MANY THINGS, yet I still think some of the use of time I had masih salah tempat alias gua nyesel gitu why did I make such a bad decision. Gua sadar yang pertama adalah gua terlalu banyak menghabiskan waktu ke panitia dan segala macemnya sampe gua kehilangan diri gua sendiri. Mak gua dulu pas tahun kedua pernah ngomong ke gua “Mama udah lama ga liat muka kamu.” Padahal dia tiap hari Minggu pulang ke Jakarta gais (dari Cilegon). Lalu gua kayak, well, me being me, so fed up with all the shitty things, decided to ignore it until my business were done. And here I am telling you, YES, DON’T BE LIKE ME.

As much as I valued all the things I learned and I had done in my preclinical years, still if I could turn back time, I would still correct myself for working too much and not giving time to “normal” social interactions. I guess I was too perfectionist, or what? Idk either.

But well, the past is in the past ya gak. I cannot go back to the past, so here I am telling you, apalagi dek adek yang baru masuk, jangan kemakan panitia yah. MAKE TIME FOR YOUR FRIENDS and most importantly, FAMILY. I’m begging you don’t be like me. Untungnya adalah mak bapak gua ga tinggal ma gua dan mereka tuh kayak dateng seminggu sekali gitu hari Sabtu-Senin, jadi ku sudah punya ritual untuk “menyucikan” hari Minggu demi keluargaku tercinta, kalo enggak? WAH UDAH GATAU DAH ITU. Kacau.

Balik lagi ke topik Time is currency yah.

Time is currency, istilahnya kayak duit lah. Lu pake waktu untuk keluarga, ya yang lu dapet adalah “relationship” or fellowship dengan keluarga. Lu pake waktu untuk pacaran, yang lu dapet ya increased knowledge of your BF/GF. Lu pake waktu buat kerja, ya yang lu dapet duit/ilmu/pengalaman. It is a currency.

Today I’m not going to encourage you to be more productive. In fact, menurut gua, perhatiin deh, dulu 5–10 tahun yang lalu, yang laku tuh buku motivasi kayak Success before 30 lah, atau maximize your potential something like that lah ya. Sekarang? SUMPAH YA, kalo ada buku masih tajuk kayak gitu gua lempar sumpah lol. People were getting fed up by the tag “productivity” sampe kayak losing ourself gitu lol. Ya gak sih? Atau mungkin gue doang ya?

Yang laku sekarang tuh malah buku2 kayak NKCTHI yang kesannya soothing, menenangkan jiwa. That tells you to slow down because life isn’t a race at all. DAN emang ya sumpah. Yang bilang liburan harus produktif tuh ke laut aja sumpah. Liburan ya liburan. Mau produktif, mau enggak, ya udah sih. Namanya juga liburan. Senang-senang. Mikir kerjaan buat kembangin ya boleh-boleh aja, namanya ide kan munculnya banyaknya pas senang ya gak? Tapi mbok jangan neken diri sendiri, kayak debt collector ke diri sendiri. SANTAI AJA BU. SANTAI.

Gua nyuruh orang santai tapi nulisnya gak santai. Oke gapapa.

This ‘rare’ moment, dimana kita punya banyak waktu lebih dari biasanya, ku mau ngajak kita berefleksi lebih mengenai waktu, bagi yang belum. Here’s a list of questions.

  1. Do you provide specific time for your family? Whether it is dinner time or prayer time? Do you put effort to it to make it the quality time even better and do you put effort to build better relationship with your family? (By not seeing your phone, or tried to talk as much as you can, etc.)
  2. Apakah teman di sekitar kita adalah teman yang baik? Apakah sudah suitable sama diri kita? Apakah pertemananmu low maintenance type atau yang demanding? LOL. Circles matter. (I would talk about this later yuhu).
  3. DO YOU HAVE ME TIME? Do you have enough private space in your house (where you can cry or whatsoever)?
  4. What is your personal goals or dreams? Have you worked your way thru that? If you haven’t, why not?
  5. Are you happy with your life right now? If not, which can you change and which you cannot?
  6. In things you cannot change (could be anything lol, a person, conditions, personality whatever), how do you cope with them? Is your way of coping now is the best way to cope?

This was my personal list of things I thought during the quarantine. Which I thought highlighted more about time and life itself. I hope this list of questions helped you too and




Fanny Budiman

Part time medical student currently pursuing other fields outside medical school. Cat lovers and foodist.